Behind every great blog is a band of fairies.
And Twimpage is no exception.
Eighteen years old. Your webmaster, broadcaster, and procrastinator. You'll hear a lot from me, unfortunately. I talk too much for my own good. And I have a Darkward fetish.
Our gentle voice - well, you could basically consider her our Esme. She keeps all of us focused. She loves period pieces - just so you know.
Our fiery fairy: indomitable and capable of adding a spark to anything, especially when it comes to Twimping. She's amazing. And I'm not just saying that because she's a Fic Pixie.
You could call Karie our submissions ringleader. She cracks her whip, and everything falls into place. Pretty handy, that. She also has a dog named Emmett. What's not to love?
Our newest fairy, but the best always comes last. She takes care of the pen and paper stuff...taking meeting transcripts and arranging schedules. She adds the right touch of flair that we need - pixie dust included.
Our P.R. director. We still haven't been able to get her the appropriate sunglasses and bullhorn. Just give her the word if you want us for a gig.
There's always room in Twimpage for more fic pixies. If you want to join, drop us a line at Wings and pointed ears are not required.