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Friday, May 14, 2010

Twimp'd Teaser: To Keep You Safe by Twolipps

Bella / Jasper  Rated M  Romance

Bella McCarty is a brilliant scientist conducting research on ground breaking alternative fuel sources and engine designs. As a result of not being forthcoming with information on her projects, she was attacked and basically kidnapped for five days. Unbeknownst to Bella, her brother Emmett McCarty, CEO of McCarty Enterprises, has been receiving death threats aimed at her.

In order to protect his sister, he hires his best friend, Jasper Whitlock, owner of a personal security guard firm that specializes in high profile clients, to be his sister’s shadow. Bella is totally against the idea of having a bodyguard and initially makes it her goal to make Jasper’s life hell. That is, until she learns of the death threats.

Unfortunately, Bella’s crazy life just keeps getting crazier as her somewhat estranged boyfriend, Edward Masen, dupes her into accepting a marriage proposal. Edward is the new Crime Boss in town, only concerned with himself and what makes him look good.

Thrown together twenty-four seven, Jasper and Bella start to develop feelings for each other only to hit road blocks along the way in their developing relationship.

Add a little snarky-cool-bitchiness from Rosalie Hale, Bella’s best friend, into the mix and there’s one helluva ride to find out who’s behind the death threats. But above all, Jasper vows to do anything to keep Bella safe.

You can read more of To Keep You Safe on fanfiction.net


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