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Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Review: Weighing In: Losing to Gain by HEAR

Weighing In: Losing to Gain by HEAR

I think we're all familiar with the popular show "The Biggest Loser" on which the story "Weighing In: Losing to Gain" is loosely based. While most of us struggle with weight or body image issues at some point in our lives, as viewers we're mainly attracted to the train-wreck unfolding on the TV screen. On a personal level, we distance and separate ourselves from those contestants by saying with relief:"ha, at least I don't look like that!"

The author of this amazingly well written story has taken the opposite approach as she takes her readers on the often painful journey of two protagonists battling obesity and food addiction. Her incarnation of Bella is an overweight and insecure contestant of the fictitious show "The Big Fat Chance." Edward, though no longer overweight, is a hot-shot trainer on aforementioned show, and is still struggling with the emotional scars left behind from years spent as an obese teenager. While HEAR's initial one-shot "Weighing In" explains how Bella is hoodwinked by her best friend Jane into creating a video application for the show and her initial meeting with Edward, the continuing story explores Bella's journey towards acknowledging her problem with food and Edward's lingering feeling of alienation from his crowd of thin and pretty friends.

HEAR's story so far truly gives an insightful perspective into the life of a person suffering from obesity. Her descriptions of Bella's struggles with her ever increasing waistline and the conflicts with her friends and family who ultimately want to help feel so authentic that you cannot help but empathize with Bella. Personally, I think this will be one E/B love story that I cannot wait to see evolve.



Anonymous said...

I absolutely love this story and can't wait for an update. More more more!!

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